Primarily, the enforcement program is devoted to overseeing that equal opportunities for housing are accessible to all by working to eradicate discriminatory practices.

Discriminatory practices are defined as making discernment or distinction based on one’s race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, and handicap. The enforcement program positively assures compliance with federal, state, and local housing laws. The ultimate goal of enforcement is to enhance knowledge of fair housing laws among community members, housing providers, real estate professionals, lenders, landlords, property managers, and tenants to the point of transformation.

Enforcement seeks to create cognizance that will permit individuals who are being subjected to discrimination to explore and acquire safe and habitable housing without fear of retaliation. Enforcement also aspires to do the following:

  • Assist landlords, housing providers, real estate professionals, lenders, landlords, property managers and others identified as housing providers to understand the laws.
  • Explain to landlords and others identified as housing providers the impact their relationship with current and prospective tenants may have with enforcement of the laws that govern fair housing.
  • Explain to real estate and lending professionals how improper policies and practices perpetuate barriers to fair housing choice.

It is the contention of the enforcement program based on the Civil Rights Act of 1968 that fair housing is not just simply an option, it is the law!


Questions? If you think you may have experienced discrimination in the housing market, or have any questions about our services, contact us by using the form below, or by calling 251-479-1532.


Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5.00 PM
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED


Every little bit helps!